Laundry. It is never ending. As a child I never understood how my mother could do so much laundry, and never finish it. Now I do. When you have children who have school uniforms, sports uniforms, regular clothes, pajamas, socks, underwear, bedding, towels...the list literally never ends. When you finally wash, dry, and iron everything, it just begins all over again the next day when the previous day's items are, of course, dirty. And if you even think about skipping a day of laundry then pretty much laundry hell breaks loose. I think we should stop wearing clothes all together, like come on people it's the 21st century, being so technologically advanced you think we'd get over our nakedness already. For me the absolute worst part of the laundry is the spiders. I am always thankful for a non rainy day in England, but it also means I have to hang the clothes up on the line outside. These tiny, little tree spiders make their webs from the trees to the clothes pins, and they land on me when I hang up the clothes. This may not seem like a big deal, but the line is literally infested, every clothes pin has a spider. To make matters worse, the tiny spiders bite me and it hurts. They are little tiny fang bites, but they leave bumps on my arms. The tragic thing about these bites is that they are useless, since I have not yet developed any super powers.
One of the grossest things I have ever seen was when the spider I had vacuumed up yesterday crawled out of the vacuum today when I picked it up. I have never been afraid of spiders before, this one was hairy, and it gave me such a fright. Country life has it's pros and cons. Another really weird thing about England is the lack of screens. Most people have screens on their windows, you know, to block out spiders, bees, wasps, and all the other terrifying insects that I repeatedly have to kill in my bathroom. Everyone seems really content to just let them fly right in, which is fine, expect for when they decide to stay. Screens, I miss em.
I know I do my fair share of complaining about having to iron, but the truth is that I'm really starting to enjoy it. Not only am I getting quicker and better, but today I watched this national geographic special on the prehistoric Megalodon shark. Educational, fascinating, and productive, which to me is an hour well spent.
On a totally unrelated to anything note, I was looking at some old e-mails today and I cam across some an old creative writing piece that I was forced to do in second year. I had completely forgot I had even written a short story, and I was actually surprised how my writing didn't make me cringe. I have made it a resolution of mine to start more creative writing. I will also be taking better care of my skin, which is again unrelated to all previous topics, but I bought some cleanser, toner, and moisturizer today, and I am quite excited about it.
I am nervous to go to Hampton Court tomorrow. It will be a serious mission, and will involve me finding my way around the busiest bus station in the United Kingdom. Wish me luck, I will need it. Despite the fact that housework never goes away, that scary bugs have become my constant companions, and that most of the time I travel I have no clue where I'm going and often get lost; I love my job, I love England, and I love that I spend my days off in castles and palaces.
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