Sunday, April 25, 2010

Going Gaga for Gaga

If I could be anyone in the world for a day (currently living) I would totally be Lady Gaga.

She is so extreme, yet so confident. I think she is amazingly talented and did such an incredible job making a splash, which isn't easy in the 21st century. She is a combination of Cher, Madonna, and Boy George. A total shock to the world, and it works for me. It must be totally awesome to reinvent yourself the way she has, and to do that and still be ridiculously talented. Like the girl can sing (and I have no doubts that she is in fact a female, allegations that she is a man are stupid). People can't handle different, yeah she wears leotards, get over it already. Lady Gaga could also definitely be anyone, she has that whole Hannah Montana thing going on, like blonde wig and fake name, completely possible and wicked.

Sometimes I think about how being a different person for a while would actually be nice. Do you ever feel like you need a break from your life? Being someone else would solve that because you could have change, without it really effecting your real life. Too bad I can't sing, and would look terrible as a blonde. Maybe I just need to find myself or whatever. Now that I am done school I guess anything is possible. Makes me feel a little crazy. But crazy is good, works well for some. You go Gaga!

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