Monday, April 26, 2010

Strange Day

Today was such a strange day, but in a good way. Being back in Welland brings back so many memories. I felt more like myself today, and it pretty much rocked. I have felt a little out of control lately, but not in a reckless way or anything. I just feel like I can breathe clearly now, even though Guelph air quality is most likely better. I never thought being at home would make me feel this way. It's a combination of nostalgic and refreshed.

However, my room is a disaster. Maybe organizing my things has made me feel better about my disorganized life. Things will work out for me, they just have to, and I will make them. Determination is now how I function, and stressing out over everything didn't make the cut.

I never realized how good it feels to throw things out, like I use to keep every little thing forever, but making room for the new is important. A fresh start beats hanging onto the old. There are definitely things worth keeping and worth improving. But my advice to all you hoarders is if you're not totally sure something is worth having, get rid of it. My old life is out and here comes the new and improved! Hope you all are ready...


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