1)There were several times where I was afraid for my life.
2)The traffic is crazy, like people are actually insane. I think if you are going to drive in Toronto you need to have a special license. There should be a test to re-educate Toronto people on how to drive safely without almost killing people like a hundred times a day.
3) Everyone is either really skinny, or really weird. I think it's because so many people walk (obviously because they are too afraid to drive and who can blame them) but honestly some of the girls think the middle of the afternoon is a serious fashion show. Damn skinny, pretty girls make me look bad. All the business people are fit and very professional looking. And the other people on the street well I just don't know what to say, I'm so small town, we only had one crazy guy (Crazy Pat) and no one went near him.
4)It's crowded and loud all the time.
5)It is easy to get sucked into the Eaton Centre (I spent the whole day there and time just flew by like rapid fire)
However, the big city is exciting and makes you feel alive. People who live in Toronto are brave and must lead interesting lives. The experience made me a little wary for London, but still the possible adventures that await make city life indescribable.
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